Español Aqui
The Peace Awareness Training is truly a unique journey into yourself. Only you can make this journey. Remember, what you get out of it is what you are willing to put into it. We believe that by the end of the training, you will have gained not only greater insights into who you are inside, but also valuable tools of awareness that you will be able to use in your everyday life. John-Roger, DSS
Living in Grace is a “graduate level” peace awareness training, where we have the opportunity to lift into the higher perspective of Spirit, open more to the beauty of our divine essence, and share in the fellowship of man and God.
Here is where the Inner Master is generous in answering our deepest questions and guiding us with a loving touch; where we can ask for blessings and let go of things that we have placed between ourselves and God.
We can ask God, Christ and the Traveler to take us higher, to bring us into greater awareness and understanding, to usher us into the experience of living in grace.
During this seven-day retreat, you are invited to travel spiritually into the high country. Have you ever experienced chanting in a room full of initiates and ministers, or the energy at Conference, or the magical journeys with the Traveler? Have you ever experienced the joy that comes present when you are in the company of your beloved? Multiply that over seven days of PAT rounds, nature walks, quiet time within, time with old and new friends, daily shopping opportunities.
The space is already prepared. Join the celebration.